about the artist
Natalie’s work seeks to capture the potency of our memories. Through her use of colour and mark-making, she hopes to transport the viewer to a particular moment in time - somewhere familiar or nostalgic. She works across mediums, often using watercolour, pastel and acrylic to create expressive pieces filled with movement.
Whether creating art for bespoke wedding stationery, personalised commissions or abstract works, Natalie’s art is gestural and intuitive, each mark informing the next. She strives to capture the fragility of our memories—their haziness and the emotions they hold.
Natalie grew up in Cheshire and moved to London in 2014. In 2017 she completed her BA Honours degree in Architectural and Interdisciplinary Studies at The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL, where she also studied modules at the Slade School of Fine Art. Afterwards, she worked in the music industry at Nonesuch Records before becoming a full-time artist in 2023. Her time spent working in the music industry has been a key influence, often using her synaesthetic experience to paint visualisations of music.
Natalie has exhibited her work in London, Cheshire, and North Wales, and her artworks are held in private collections across the UK, US, Canada, and Australia.

Green & Stone Gallery, Chelsea, London
Karina Banks, London
Town House Open, Spitalfields, London
Spring Salon, Candid Arts Trust, London
Parliament Hill Lido Cafe , London
The Wharf, Cheshire
Primrose Hill Art Fair, London
Spring Salon, Candid Arts Trust, London